
There are around two hundred (200) Little Athletics Centres in NSW with approximately thirty six thousand (36,000) registered athletes. In order to assist with the effective administration of Little Athletics New South Wales Limited, and the conduct of Championship Competitions, each Centre is allocated to a Zone. There are twenty three (23) Zones across the state. Each Zone is then further allocated to one of eight (8) Regions.

The Mid South Coast Zone is part of Region 4 and comprises of the following six (6) Centres:

  • Albion Park
  • Kiama
  • Lake Illawarra
  • Milton Ulladulla
  • Shoalhaven
  • St Georges Basin.

In terms of athlete numbers the Mid South Coast Zone is the largest in Region 4.

Each Zone is administered by an Officer of the Company known as the Zone Coordinator. The Zone Coordinator is elected by delegates from each Centre within the Zone and holds this position for a period of two (2) years.

The Mid South Coast Zone Coordinator oversees an Executive, that is also is elected by delegates from each Centre within the Zone, to assist with his/her duties. The Executive consists of the Secretary and Treasurer.

The Zone Coordinator, Executive and delegates from each Centre meet bi-monthly throughout the year to discuss administrative items, planning and the organisation of the Zone Championships which are held annually.

Next Zone Meeting

Next Zone Meeting Is Wednesday 26th March Via Zoom At 7:00pm.

Zone Championships

Mid South Coast Zone Championships

Region Championships

Region 4 Championships

State Track & Field Championships

State Championships