Championships Update

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Little Athletics NSW has provided an update in relation to Championship (Zone/Region/State) events for the 2020/2021 season.

The COVID-19 pandemic will have an impact on how championship events are delivered this season. The Board is committed to delivering quality events that keep members safe. The staff and Championships Committee have been considering a number of options to achieve this.

Whilst the final details are not available some information has been shared with us.

The traditional Zone and Region Championships will not take place this season. Instead a number of State Qualifying meets will be held in the early part of 2021, most likely February. A State Championship event will be held in March.

Full details will be announced in the as soon as they become available.

Next Zone Meeting

Next Zone Meeting Is Monday 25th November Via Zoom At 7:00pm.

Zone Championships

Mid South Coast Zone Championships

Region Championships

Region 4 Championships

State Track & Field Championships

State Championships